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CRM Media Co-Partner Berk Hisoğlu’s Speech on Influencer Marketing: The New Faces of Brands

CRM Media Co-Partner Berk Hisoğlu spoke about Influencer Marketing: The New Faces of Brands;

Today, social media continues to create a revolution in the marketing world. Especially in the last few years, social media influencers, or ‘influencers,’ have become the new faces of brands. Influencer marketing can be defined as a strategy that involves individuals with a specific audience spreading positive messages about brands or products, thereby reaching potential customers. Among the reasons for the popularity of this marketing method is authenticity. Influencers have a real and personal connection with their followers, so a recommendation from an influencer is perceived as much more convincing and authentic than traditional advertising. Moreover, with this method, brands can communicate directly with the influencer’s audience, thereby conveying advertising messages more effectively.

The Definition of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing refers to the use of popular individuals, namely influencers, on social media platforms for the promotion of a particular brand or product. These individuals have a wide following on social media and possess the power to influence the decisions, preferences, and habits of their audience. Essentially, influencer marketing enables brands to reach their target audiences in a more natural way through the strong and authentic connection that influencers have established with their followers

Brands and Influencer Collaborations

Brands prefer collaborating with influencers to reach their target audiences in a more intimate and effective manner. This collaboration can take various forms, such as product promotions, special events, gift campaigns, or exclusive discount codes. The overlap between the brand’s and the influencer’s target audiences directly affects the success of this collaboration. Therefore, partnering with the right influencer is critically important for brands.

Advantages of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing offers numerous advantages for brands. Firstly, it provides a more natural and genuine approach compared to traditional advertising methods. Influencers can create a strong impact on their followers by promoting products or services through their own experiences and recommendations. Moreover, influencer marketing enables brands to reach more specific niche audiences directly, makes followers find the products recommended by influencers more trustworthy, and ultimately leads to high sales conversion rates from the influencers’ recommendations.

Considerations in Choosing an Influencer

The selection of an influencer is a critical step for the success of a marketing strategy. While an influencer might have a high number of followers, the level of engagement with their followers is what truly matters. Brands should pay attention to the influencer’s values, image, and compatibility with the target audience. Additionally, reviewing the influencer’s past collaborations to assess how well they resonate with the target audience can be beneficial. Most importantly, it is essential to ensure that the influencer’s follower and engagement numbers are genuine and organic.

The Future of Influencer Marketing

The world of influencer marketing is constantly evolving with technological advancements and changing consumer habits. The emergence of new technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence will lead to changes in influencer marketing strategies. Moreover, the value of collaborations with influencers for brands to reach consumers in a more individualized, personalized, and effective manner will continue to increase.